Telegrafik provides a complete platform of connected solutions to watch over the elderly. 

Telegrafik is an innovative Toulouse-based company launched in 2013 by Carole Ziwa-Garat. Developped during three years of R&D, its solutions facilitates the maintenance of the elderly at home thanks to a remote monitoring system, and allows better support within specialized establishments. 

The stairs are getting so hard to climb.

I’ve lived here for 30 years. No other place will feel like home.

Those are common issues for older people. One may share the often-heard wish “I want to stay in my own home!”. Good news is that with the right solution provided by Telegrafik, more and more older people are able to stay in their own home and reassure their relatives who care. 

In a context of aging populations in France and in Europe, 17.3 million people in Europe will use new types of connected solutions, versus 7.8 million today

Since 2020, the Ministry of Health has increasingly favored home support when chosen. A challenge to which Telegrafik responds as it is the only market player that offers a complete platform of connected solutions. The company aims to bring a global solution to companies and professionals providing support and care to the elderly or people with disabilities, as well as to manufacturers in the sector.

Thanks to its advanced algorithms and technology, Telegrafik makes the “TechCare” accessible to as many people as possible.

Telegrafik has already equipped more than 100 sites.

Telegrafik falls into our “Life Essentials” impact thesis.

  • Entrepreneur: Carole Zisa-Garat
  • Founded: 2013
  • Partnered: 2017
  • HQ : Toulouse, France

