is a remote medical expertise platform allowing patients affected by serious or rare pathologies to consult a second practitioner for free in order to confirm or deny the first diagnosis. is an innovative and secure service dedicated to patients and their doctors, whose goal is to facilitate rapid access to doctors with a high level of medical expertise in case of serious health problems or complex medical situations.

Their mission is to give everyone access to medical expertise. How do they do this? By providing people a second medical opinion online, from a doctor who is an expert in their illness, in less than 7 days. But also, by offering a global support: quality medical information on diseases, help with identifying expert doctors for various diseases, human support to help with retrieving medical files, filling out questionnaires, scanning and downloading tests, etc. is part of our “Life Essentials” impact thesis.

  • Entrepreneurs: Pauline D’Orgeval, Catherine Franc & Prune Nercy
  • Founded: 2015
  • Partnered: 2018
  • HQ: Paris, France

