The post-covid era is driving the job market into unseen tensions that will surely last for months. CleverConnect’s mission is to help companies face the challenge that is at the heart of every company’s success: hiring the right talents at the right time.

Born in 2016 from the merger of the AI-based job board Meteojob and the video interviewing solution Visiotalent, CleverConnect has developed an end-to-end suite covering the entire recruitment lifecycle, from candidate attraction to candidate engagement and assessment. Wraping the entire recruitment process allows CleverConnect to have a tremendous impact on recruitment’s key metrics: productivity, velocity, cost, quality, fairness and candidate satisfaction.


CleverConnect solutions are powered by AI. Millions of up-to-date data coming from Meteojob and coupled with open-source data are used to train what has become the most advanced recruitment matching system. While matching allows recruiters to quickly identify the fit between a candidate and an offer, it also helps reduce cognitive bias during the selection process allowing more diverse recruitments, based on skills, less based on diploma. The algorithm only considers professional data such as skills and previous jobs, but doesn’t take names, nationality and pictures into account.

In a world where HR Tech solutions are preempted by American providers, CleverConnect is aiming at building a European champion and assisting 25 million candidates in their job search.

CleverConnect falls into our “Life Essentials” impact thesis.

  • Entrepreneurs: Marko Vusajinovic, Gonzague Lefebvre and Louis Coulon
  • Founded: 2007
  • Partnered: 2019
  • HQ: Paris, France

